Cycling is both painless and enjoyable.

It can be a frustrating experience to cycle with leg pain. Bicyclists are everywhere, as any car commuter who is frustrated will know.

Many people attribute the popularity of cycling to recent Olympics and Tour de France victories, as well as to the fact that more people are taking up the sport after the 2005 terrorist attacks.

Whatever the reason, cycling has experienced a huge surge. Around 1 in 8 people claim they are active followers of the sport. About 2 million people cycle at least once per week.

While it is convenient and fun, it can put a lot of strain upon the legs. We see many clients suffering from leg pain. We will discuss how to treat and prevent leg pain.

What could be causing leg pain while cycling?

It can be very misleading to cycle. Cycling can be very comfortable and easy one moment and hard and challenging the next. Exercise intensity can be affected by subtle changes in wind direction, gradient or road surface.

Common causes of leg pain that causes cycling include a buildup of lactic acids.

While you cycle, your body uses oxygen to convert glucose into energy. You might lose oxygen if you exercise too hard. The body can use lactate as energy to convert it back to oxygen. This reference will help you find an oxygen reserve.

If you produce lactate faster that you can burn it off, it will cause a painful sensation in the legs. It can be very unpleasant to feel the effects of lactic buildup.

Over-exuberance is the main cause of leg pain caused by lactic acid. Over-exerting yourself too quickly will lead to injury. Make sure you are familiar with proper warm-ups and cooldowns. Also, be sure to stretch properly after riding. You can get a professional physiotherapist to give you an in-depth view of all these areas.

Do not stop exercising if you experience lactic buildup during a ride. Reduce the intensity and shift down. This will flush the lactic acid from the legs. As you begin to ease off, the pain should slowly subside.

What happens if the pain persists after the ride?

Lasting leg pain

It is common to experience delayed pain due to microscopic tears within the muscle fibers. This is normal in muscle growth, but it can lead to severe discomfort for as long as 48-72 hours.

Good nutrition and adequate rest are crucial for proper muscle repair. You should make sure that you get enough salt during hot days (which can be done through isotonic beverages).

You should also take more magnesium and maybe glutamine.

Regular massage is a great way to take care of your legs.

Contact us to get expert advice on nutrition, conditioning, or remedial treatments.

We hope you find this information useful. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding our treatments. We are located 3 minutes from Angel station in Islington. Please share this blog if you enjoy it!

We are always available to assist you!